Saturday, October 4, 2008

Worldspace Free Analysis & Source Code

I hope everyone has tried the free reports from Deque's Worldspace. When we released the free page at a time analysis we wanted it to be easy for developers to use and to be available. As you know some developers are behind a firewall and others need to analyze content as part of an application process.

Since they would not have had access we decided to include source code and file analysis in the free service as well.

To analyze source code:

Go to:

Free Analysis from
Free Analysis from
Select the choose page type option, and change to file source code. The page changes to display the source code entry box. Paste in the html source code. This code could be from an application after you log in or from a test box behind your firewall.

Select the compliance level. Section 508 for U.S. Federal Government Standards or the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Free analysis with source code entered
Free Analysis with Source Code
Select Generate Report. The source code will be uploaded to Worldspace and analyzed. The page will then display analyzed content results.

free analysis results
Free Analysis Results
The above is a very simple example of how you can work with Worldspace for your application source code. We are looking at adding some of the browser hooks in to allow for the source code to be automatically sent.

If you want to analyze more than a page at a time or need something that is able to spider and analyze web based applicaitons think about Worldspace Enterprise.


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